Sunday 25 November 2018

49th anniversary of John Lennon’s decision to return MBE knighthood medal to Queen Elizabeth II over Britain’s instrumental role in the perpetration of the Igbo genocide

(Medal is sent back to Buckingham Palace, London, 25 November 1969)
ICONIC Beetle’s John Lennon sends back the 1965 MBE knighthood medal bestowed on him by Queen Elizabeth II of England over Britain’s instrumental role in the perpetration of the Igbo genocide with its client state’s Fulani islamist/jihadist-led Nigeria in which 3.1 million Igbo people or 25 per cent of Igbo population are murdered between 29 May 1966 and 12 January 1970 (phases I-III) in the foundational genocide of post-(European)conquest Africa…
Forty-nine years after Lennon’s towering stand, Britain is still deeply embedded in this most devastating, expansive, and longest genocide of contemporary history … It chiefly arms and provides robust political and diplomatic cover internationally to its Nigerian on the ground génocidaires who continue the slaughtering of Igbo people unrelentingly in occupied Biafra (phase-IV) and are now assisted by their Boko Haram and Fulani militia adjuncts, two of the world’s five deadliest terrorist organisations .

Nigeria has murdered tens of thousands of Igbo during this phase including the 3000 killed since October 2015 under the leadership of the fiendish jihadist Muhammadu Buhari imposed in office by ex-British Prime Minister David Cameron and ex-US President Barack Obama – first African-descent president of the United States in 233 years of the founding of the republic and the only US president in office who has actively supported the Igbo genocide in these past 52 years.
*****Herbert Ekwe-Ekwe is the author of Biafra Revisited (2006), Readings from Reading: Essays on African Politics, Genocide, Literature (2011) and author, with Lakeson Okwuonicha, of Why Donald Trump is great for Africa (2018)

Twitter @HerbertEkweEkwe

1 comment:

  1. John Lennon protested Igbo genocide. Steve Job protested also. And so were many others. Have you protested?
